
August 17, 2024

Scripture Passage: Mark 1:29-31



A video introduction using illustrations, personal stories, metaphors, or active learning examples to begin the discussion.





After the video, prompts are supplied for thinking and sharing with others personal perception and experience. This opening activity prompts participants to think about and relate to the topic, and to share with others. 



You might have heard the saying, “Everything is relative.” Review the list of relationships that are common today. Assign to each the description that most describes it: A) Acquaintance, T) Transactional, CA) Close Affinity, or LB) Loving/Binding relationship.

  1. Doctor and patient: Medical professional providing healthcare.
  2. Lawyer and client: Legal representation and counsel.
  3. Citizen and police officer: Law enforcement and community interaction.
  4. Teacher and student: Educator imparting knowledge.
  5. Friend and confidant: Close companionship and mutual support.
  6. Consumer and proprietor: Customer and business owner interaction.
  7. Landlord and tenant: Property owner and renter agreement.
  8. Teammates: Sports or work colleagues cooperating toward a common goal.
  9. Musical group: Band members performing music together.
  10. Neighbor: Residential proximity and community relationship.
  11. Dating partners: Romantic companionship and mutual affection.
  12. In-laws: Family members connected through marriage.

Share and discuss your answers.



The Bible discussion begins with a careful reading of the whole passage, either from your own Bibles, or from the provided images below.

Then participants are to ask:

  1. What is going on in this passage of Scripture?
  2. What are the key words and phrases? Highlight them.
  3. Why do you think this passage is included in the Bible?
  4. What does it contribute to our “knowing Christ” and “living in Christ”?


Today’s Scripture passage: Mark 1:29-31

Jesus Heals Many
29 As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. 31 So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.


In our world, there's often humor and exaggerated attention to challenging relationships, such as those with in-laws. However, Peter's advocacy for his wife's mother, a powerful demonstration of love and compassion, shows a different approach. When Peter informed Jesus about her condition, he showed care and support out of love, not just duty. This act aligns with the principles of love and compassion taught in the Bible and displays a remarkable feature of being in Christ. How do you see this trait in people in your life?

Peter's mother-in-law had a fever, which seemed less severe compared to the challenges faced by the blind, lepers, and demon possessed. However, Peter still sought Jesus' help for his wife's mother. 

Several passages highlight the importance of caring for widows, such as 1 Timothy 5:3, Psalm 68:5-6, James 1:27, and Exodus 22:22. Supporting family members, including in-laws, being attentive to others is considered "pure religion." In what way do you see opportunities to support vulnerable and overlooked people today?

Insight Out

A parting video clip with a personal invitation to apply the message to “knowing Christ” and “living in Christ” in the coming week.



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